Holden is a character who seeks a simple, concrete reality without the factor of skepticism.

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Holden is a character who seeks a simple, concrete reality without the factor of skepticism. by Mind Map: Holden is a character who seeks a simple, concrete reality without the factor of skepticism.

1. Chapter 1

1.1. Hates movies

1.2. Good-bye to Pencey Prep

1.2.1. "I was trying to feel some kind of a good-by. I mean I've left schools and places I didn't even know I was leaving them. I hate that. I don't care if it's a sad good-by or a bad good-by, but when I leave a place I like to know I'm leaving it. If you don't, you feel even worse"(Salinger 4) Does not like when Mr. Spencer keeps repeating that he knows absolutely nothing

1.3. Kicked out of Pencey Prep, does want to live the complicated lives of rich, private-school kids

2. Chapter 2

2.1. "I passed English all right...I mean I didn't have to do any work in English at all hardly"(10)

2.1.1. Only class he passed

2.2. Thinking about where ducks go when lagoon is frozen

2.3. Mr. Spencer

2.3.1. "'Everybody goes through phases and all, don't they?' 'I don't know, boy. I don't know.' I hate it when somebody answers that way"(15)

2.3.2. Hopes he didn't say "Good luck!" Luck=unpredictable

3. Chapter 3

3.1. Likes reading books (classics, war, mysteries)

3.2. Doesn't want any problems, tries to convince Ackley that Stradlater isn't that bad

4. Chapter 4

4.1. "I hate the movies like poison, but get a bang imitating them"(29)

4.2. "Suspense is good for some bastards like Stradlater"(28)

4.2.1. Not for other people

4.3. Glad to see Ackley, take his mind off of Jane Gallagher

5. Chapter 5

5.1. Can't think of anything to describe for the essay

5.2. Snow = symbol

5.3. "I'm not going to be a goddam surgeon or a violinist or anything anyway"(39)

6. Chapter 6

6.1. Keeps trying to find out what Stradlater did

6.2. "I'm a pacifist, if you want to know the truth"(46)

6.3. "It's pretty had to knock a guy out, except in the goddam movies"(45)

7. Chapter 7

7.1. "'I don't know when the hell he's coming back,' Ackley said. Boy, did that annoy me.

8. Chapter 8

8.1. "Her son was doubtless the biggest bastard that ever went to Pencey...He was always going down the corridor, after he'd had a shower, snapping his soggy wet towel at people's asses"(54)

8.2. Regret lying to Morrow's mom and does not know what she will think of her son.

9. Chapter 9

9.1. Seeing the other side of the hotel represents his state of mind

10. Chapter 10

10.1. Wants to call Phoebe

10.1.1. Smart, realistic, straightforward

10.2. Just wants to dance

10.3. "Every time I'd ask here something, she said 'What?' That can get on your nerves after a while"(75)