What is Media Education?
by The Media Spot, LLC
1. Goal: Promote "Media Literacy"
1.1. Who has heard of it?
1.2. Definition: The ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in a varieity of forms. An extention of traditional literacy.
1.3. Key concepts: (see TMS.org; and Media Lab's video)
1.4. Why it is important
1.4.1. Low cost of entry: no ed required
1.4.2. It surrounds us
1.4.3. Advertising/Politics watch ad examples New node
1.4.4. Kids are already using it
2. Where it happens
2.1. In Schools, Curriculum-based
2.1.1. Production-based media ed
2.1.2. Critical analysis of media texts
2.1.3. 21st Century Research: multi-source synthesis
2.2. In Schools, as an elective
2.3. In private programs (afterschool programs or camps like The Generation Connection)
3. Status/History
3.1. National curricula in England, Scotland, Austrailia, Canada since 1980s
3.2. No national standarards in US
3.3. Often informally tacked on to literacy, technology, or social studies curricula "students will learn using technology"; "students will communicate using a variety of technology"
3.4. US push for technology before curriculum development
4. My Approach: Production Based Media Ed
4.1. In Schools
4.1.1. Assessment using technology standards, literacy standards & key concepts of media literacy
4.1.2. Integrate productions into curriculum
4.1.3. Generate videos or web-productions from student research and writing watch video
4.2. At TGC
4.2.1. Plant the seeds of critical analysis (see TMS.org)
4.2.2. Connect production experience to all media production: Authorial intention
4.2.3. Emphasize decision-making watch raw clips in iMovie vs. Edited