My 10 years road to SUCCESS

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My 10 years road to SUCCESS by Mind Map: My 10 years road to SUCCESS

1. Career

1.1. Study hard

1.1.1. High grades Graduation Doctor

1.2. Time management

1.2.1. Better schedule

1.3. Save money

1.3.1. Big savings House and lot, car

2. Family

2.1. Quality time

2.1.1. Strong family bond

2.2. Show love and care

2.2.1. Strong relationship

2.3. Support/help one another

2.3.1. Gives motivation

3. Health

3.1. Eat healthy foods

3.1.1. Strong and healthy

3.2. Exercise regularly

3.2.1. Physically fit

3.3. Lots of sleep

3.3.1. Relaxed mind and body

4. Social

4.1. Communicate with other people

4.1.1. Better understanding

4.2. Self confidence

4.2.1. Boosts my strength

4.3. Leadership

4.3.1. Role model