Me, 10 years from now

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Me, 10 years from now by Mind Map: Me, 10 years from now

1. Education

1.1. Aim higher grades

1.2. Finish College

2. Career

2.1. Licensced Architech

2.2. I.T Programmer

2.3. Musician

2.4. Artist

3. As an Individual

3.1. Share learnings/experiences in what i've learned

3.2. I'll contribute my works in my country

4. Family

4.1. I will build new house for my parents

4.2. I will sustain their needs

4.3. I will make my own family

4.4. I will save money in my bank account for the future

5. Goals

5.1. Build my own house

5.2. Own a car

5.3. Travel in Japan