1. The Lantern
1.1. Have a staff member attend to evaluate
1.1.1. Dustin?
1.1.2. Jason?
2. Singles
2.1. Jeremy and Tyler??
2.2. Grant Jenkins notes
3. Advisory board
3.1. Mark Greene
3.2. Melanie Hill
3.3. Tony Hill
3.4. Kent Hughes
3.5. Teresa Hughes
4. Sunday morning questions
4.1. Karen McGinnis?
4.2. Melanie Hill?
5. Training
5.1. e-Vite
5.2. Questions for leaders
5.3. Stories
5.3.1. Josh Clemmons?
5.3.2. Jesse Trout?
5.4. Roll out RightNow Training
5.5. Get next training date, email ready
5.6. Food?
5.6.1. New node
6. Women
6.1. New Curriculum?
6.2. Daytime group?
6.2.1. Potential Leaders Christy Crosby Anne Loy Karen Grizzard Cheryl Edmondson Katrina Watts
6.2.2. Where? In homes? Homes? Excel Baptist?
6.3. Which new groups for May groups launch?
6.4. More study-driven, short-term groups needed?
6.4.1. Talk with Lori Graham
7. Men's group
7.1. Richard and Beau, mtg 3-2-11
7.2. Men's Fraternity?
7.2.1. Lawrence Gunnells
7.2.2. Jeff Truitt
7.2.3. Josh Loy?
7.3. Sustainability
7.3.1. How often?
7.3.2. Events aren't sustainable
7.4. Every other week??
7.5. Serve together?
7.6. Core group?
7.6.1. Richard Gatewood
7.6.2. Nick Lowery
7.6.3. Beau Coburn
7.6.4. Frank Lombardo?
7.6.5. David Graham?
7.7. Small group-driven
7.8. Who are you investing in?
7.9. Attractional event?
7.9.1. NOT the heart of this...small groups are!
7.9.2. Paintball
7.9.3. Camping
7.9.4. Serving together?
8. Starting Point
8.1. Chad and Christy
8.1.1. In their home
8.1.2. Start in April??
8.2. Sid and Dawn Sawyer
8.2.1. Marriage group?
8.2.2. They want Sunday morning
8.3. Lawrence Gunnells
8.4. Frank and Stacy Lombardo
9. Mom's Playgroup
9.1. Potential leaders
9.1.1. Christy Crosby
9.1.2. Katie Clemmons
9.1.3. Heggie
9.1.4. Donna Pittman
9.2. How often should they meet?
9.3. Should this be more of a Bible study?
9.4. Should there be a daytime women's group & a playgroup?
10. Concrete
10.1. Writers
10.1.1. Ben
10.1.2. Karen McGinnis