World War 2 Tech

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World War 2 Tech by Mind Map: World War 2 Tech

1. Weaponry

1.1. Rocket

1.1.1. Germany V1 June 13 1944 Germany launched 10 v1 rockets against Britain and the results were not good. According to History, the lackluster results come from poor engineering. V2 "Although there is no exct figue, estimates suggest that several thousand people were killed by the misso;e -- 2,724 Britain alon. However, a far grimmer statistic is that many more, at least 20,000, died constructing the V2s themselves."-

1.2. Radar

1.2.1. Developed by British and American Scientists

1.2.2. Radar sends out radio wave and measures the distance it travels from initial projection, to bouncing off of an object, and returning.

2. Medical

2.1. Penicilin

2.1.1. "The outbreak of World War II in 1939 changed everything and, as it raged through Europe, Asia, and Africa, soldiers and civilians died from ravaging staphylococcal, streptococcal, and pneumococcal infections "--

2.1.2. Made in mass quantities due to demand of STDs and soldier injuries

2.2. DDT

2.2.1. Now seen as a environmental hazard, originally used to treat Maleria

2.3. Blood Transfusion

2.3.1. Research and process existed long before WW2

2.3.2. African American Dr Charles Drew discovers method to preserve blood for long periods of time with Blood Plasma Dr. Drew is called to use his methods for the army and be the Director of the first large blood bank Later resigned for the army's discrimatory proacices Finds the blood plasma can be dried and reconstituted when needed