Ronald Wilson Reagan - 40th President of the United States

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Ronald Wilson Reagan - 40th President of the United States by Mind Map: Ronald Wilson Reagan - 40th President of the United States

1. Political Experience

1.1. While working in Hollywood, Reagan considered himself a Democrat. As he grew older, he changed to Republican, although he still held strong Left-Wing ideals.

1.2. He strongly supported Dwight D. Eisenhower, until he married Nancy Davis and that was when he became a strong Republican.

1.3. In 1967, he ran and overtook the Governor position for the State of California, which led to his run for the Presidency.

1.4. He went on to win the 1980 Presidential Election in a landslide against Jimmy Carter.

2. Personal Life

2.1. Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois on February 6th, 1911 to Nelle and John Reagan.

2.2. He was an aspiring Hollywood actor, and was married twice. His first wife was Jane Wyman (pictured), and he then married actress Nancy Davis, who later became the First Lady.

2.3. Ronald and Nancy Reagan went on to have two children, Patti and Ronald Jr. (Click the arrow to view a picture of his family.)

3. Education

3.1. Attended Eureka College in Eureka, Illinois where he studied Economics and sociology.

3.2. He majored in Economics and received a "C" at graduation.

3.3. While attending college in Eureka, he was considered a "jack of all trades" by those that knew him because he excelled in politics, sports, and theatre.