Self Portrait

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Self Portrait by Mind Map: Self Portrait

1. O'Net

1.1. Realistic

1.2. Investigative

1.3. Artistic

1.4. Enterprising

2. Successful Intelligences

2.1. Analytical Thinking

2.2. Convincing Evidence

2.3. Cause & Effect

3. Emotional Intelligence

3.1. 45/75

4. Teaching Style

4.1. Logical Presentations

4.2. Hands On Presentations

4.3. Visual Focus

5. Preferred Study Strategies

5.1. Musical Rythmic

5.2. Intrapersonal

6. Building Excellence

6.1. I sent the document to One drive and I could not open it, I lost the information and I could not view it on the website we took the quiz on.

7. Multiple Intelligences

7.1. Bodily-Kinesthetic

7.2. Visual-Spatial

7.3. Logical Mathematical

7.4. Interpersonal

7.5. Intrapersonal

8. Personality Spectrum

8.1. Organizer

8.2. Giver

9. Interests

9.1. Netflix

9.2. Phones

9.3. Food

9.4. Exercising

9.5. Games

9.6. Social Time With Friends