Rainbow 6 Seige

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Rainbow 6 Seige by Mind Map: Rainbow 6 Seige

1. Aiming

1.1. head shots

1.2. lower stomach

1.3. Legs

2. Leaners advantage

3. Droning

3.1. Twich drone

3.2. normal

4. How to use a operator

4.1. twitch

4.2. IQ

4.3. Sledge

4.4. KapKan

4.5. Rook and doc

4.6. Ash, castle, and pulse

4.7. lord tachanka

4.8. Smoke

4.9. Thatcher

4.10. Glaz

4.11. Mute

4.12. Bandit

4.13. Blitz

4.14. Montagne

4.15. Jager

4.16. Recruit

4.17. Fuze

4.18. thermite