Editing Techniques

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Editing Techniques by Mind Map: Editing Techniques

1. One editing technique I am going to be talking about is called a match cut. It is also referred to as a graphic cut. It is a cut in film editing between two different objects or two different compositions in which the object in the two shots visually match. This technique creates a strong continuity of action and links the two different shots metaphorically

2. Another editing technique I am going to be talking about is called flash cutting. There isn't a lot of explanation to flash cutting apart from that it is used to quickly cut to another scene and then back again and can also be referred as short cutting. The duration of the shot is very short and only lasts a couple of seconds

3. An additional editing technique is the subliminal cut similar to a flash cut this technique is used when the producer wants to make the viewer only subconsciously aware of a shot. this effect is brought about by using only a couple of frames and making them go past at a very fast rate so quickly that the audience can't properly process the information that they've just seen.

4. Invisible editing is editing that is so smooth that it goes unnoticed by the audience. This usually can be enhanced if the audience is engrossed in to a particular scene. Although invisible editing should be an explanation for all editing types because editing should never be noticed in a piece of film. Another phrase it is referred to as is seamless editing

5. A montage is a series of shots edited together to show time passing and something happening during the duration of that time usually with a sound track overlay. A famous example is Rocky when it shows him training before his full fight. We often get this shot used when some one is working towards something usually the film has a competitive aspect in its plot

6. Slow motion is used in the editing process to slow down the action of a scene. The general effect of this is to bring about a comic or emotional effect

7. Another editing technique is is cross cutting it's a technique that alternates between two shots of action occurring in different places usually at the same time

8. Another type of technique is Fading. This is when an image gradually fades then disappears, leaving either a white or black screen. A fade to black screen often suggests time has passed or a situation has ended. A fade to white often suggests a dream sequence. Other things fades also lead to are deaths and flashbacks

9. A jump cut is another technique used frequently amongst films. it usually occurs between shots rather than between scenes acting like an interruption to pass time within a shot. it's a shot used to represent how a character is disorientated or can be used effectively to connote mental health problems. It is a transition that is rarely noticed by a viewer

10. Every time a shot is recorded it is called a take. A long take is one that is allowed to remain on screen for a long period before it is cut. A long take is used to slow the pace of a scene down making it more calmer and more peaceful