ARTICLES A/AN: Is a determiner that introduces a noun phrase. a|an are considered indefinite art...

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ARTICLES A/AN: Is a determiner that introduces a noun phrase. a|an are considered indefinite articles and they are used to introduce new concepts into a discourse by Mind Map: ARTICLES A/AN: Is a determiner that introduces a noun phrase. a|an  are considered indefinite articles and they are used to introduce new concepts into a discourse

1. I’m Mario. I’m a reporter I ́m Robert. I ́m an actor I ́m Katy. I ́m a Teacher

2. Use“a”, “and” only with singular nouns


4. ARTICLE A: this articles which are called indefinite articles becauseimplies that the thing referred to is nonspecific


6. An Apple An orange An ant

7. El artículo AN se usa antes de los sustantivos singulares contables que comienzan con sonidos de vocales.

8. Use“an”with words that start with a vowel sound.

9. Indefinite article in English - "a" and "an"