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The Swallow by Mind Map: The Swallow

1. 2.5D Platformer

1.1. Side scrolling camera angle

2. Character Controller

2.1. -Forward/Backward

2.1.1. Allow the player to run forward and backward

2.2. -Jump/Slam Jump

2.2.1. Allow the player to jump normally to a limited height but if the player slams the metal arm into the ground the jump height will be much higher. (Quake: Rocket jump)

2.3. -Crouch

2.3.1. Crouch to allow the player to move through tight spaces like vents or drain pipes

2.4. -Melee

2.4.1. Allow the player to attack with the metal arm causing an enemy to stumble or get stunned for a few seconds and also deal damage

2.5. -Abillity to slam through walls/doors

2.5.1. The chip you find at the house enable you to punch through Walls/Floors/Doors/Vents

2.6. -Slam into ground from a height (AOE)

2.6.1. with strength and gravity combined you will have the ability to slam into the ground from a height and do damage to enemy's or breakable objects around you

2.7. Activate weapon in arm when near enemys

2.7.1. The metal arm has a safety mechanism that allows you to use the built in weapon only when enemy's are detected in close proximity to you

2.8. Hide mechanic

2.8.1. You will not always be able to use brute force or fire power to overcome your enemy's and will have to rely on hiding to survive

3. STORY LINE: Basically a Teen who's father is a weapon specialist gets into a accident and loose his arm but his father gives him a metal arm prototype. when he wakes up he learns that his Partner has been kidnapped that night.

3.1. Level 1 [Hospital]

3.1.1. Learn Hide mechanic

3.1.2. Arm is not really useful yet

3.1.3. Must avoid enemy's and not make any contact with them

3.2. Level 2 [Home]

3.2.1. Goes to look for his father

3.2.2. Finds a chip which makes the arm stronger and activates weapon

3.2.3. The weapon dealers got there before you and already killed your father

3.2.4. Fight the ambush and escape the house

3.3. Level 3 [Research facility]

3.3.1. Weapon dealers took over your fathers research facility

3.3.2. Go there to look for your partner or get clues

3.3.3. clear the facility

3.4. Level 4

3.5. Level 5

3.6. Level 6

3.7. Level 7

3.8. Level 8

3.9. Level 9

3.10. Level 10