Shreya's Map of Choises

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Shreya's Map of Choises by Mind Map: Shreya's Map of Choises

1. industrial design

1.1. many people have recommended it

1.2. im creative

1.3. I enjoy making new things

1.4. it sounds interesting

1.5. it has a wide range of jobs

1.5.1. wide range may make it hard to find a well paying job

2. Animator

2.1. I was inspired by sailor moon

2.2. I have put a lot of hours into practicing

2.3. I'm good at drawing

2.4. I find animation almost magical

2.5. The cgi style is getting popular

2.6. parents dissaprove

2.7. needs a lot of hours and sleepless nights

3. Neurosurgeon

3.1. my parents would approve

3.2. I think the brain is very interesting to me

3.3. Both my grandparents are doctors

3.3.1. they would be very happy

3.4. It is very stressful

3.5. can be called randomly to do work

3.5.1. conflicts with family

3.6. takes 8 years of schooling

3.7. don't see my self doing it

4. Lawyer

4.1. I like debating

4.2. I feel that I must stand up and help people if I can

4.3. My parents would be fine with it

4.4. it is a very hardworking job- it require tireless hours

4.5. A lot of pressure depending on job

4.6. needs a lot of hours

4.7. needs a lot of memorization

5. Engineer

5.1. I like physics and math

5.2. It has a wide range of jobs

5.3. Im creative

5.4. parents would really approve

5.5. don't really understand what it is