Technology Department "Pie in the Sky Vision"

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Technology Department "Pie in the Sky Vision" by Mind Map: Technology Department "Pie in the Sky Vision"

1. The new, connected interactive classroom

1.1. Ability to broadcast and stream lessons over the web

1.2. Ability to connect to other classrooms and the rest of the world

1.3. Any device can "lead" the room

1.4. New, better interactive displays make connecting simpler

1.5. Do not forget our other potentially connected spaces

2. Collaborative technology & library culture

2.1. Faculty eager to integrate units containing technology and deeper research into their lessons

2.2. Professional development about SAMR model for educational media & technology

2.3. The Learning Center at the hub of technology enrichment, not just books and research

3. State of the art curated "exploratorium" - part of the Learning Center vision

3.1. A public learning space for the students to explore and imagine using the science of play

3.2. Must be visible, engaging and leading edge

3.3. Engage students, start student club, student led helpdesk?

4. A "No Server" tech infrastructure

4.1. Moving major services to the cloud (E-mail, file, print, SIS, website, etc.)

4.2. Increase wireless throughput, redundancy and bandwidth capacity to handle services in the cloud

4.3. Free up tech department to focus on committee mission

4.4. Improve disaster recovery & "business continuity"

4.5. Improved data management & communication support

5. Google School

5.1. Standardizing on Google Apps

5.2. Promoting the use of Chromebooks through the student body

5.3. Significant reduction in load on tech support

5.4. Properly refine BYOD standards; the web browser is king