Copy of Tasha

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Copy of Tasha by Mind Map: Copy of Tasha

1. Preferred Teaching Styles Ch 4 | 4.4

1.1. Visual learner

1.2. Hands on presentations

1.3. Detailed presentation

2. Values

2.1. Family

2.2. Respect

2.3. Trust

2.4. Wisdom

3. Multiple Intelligence's Ch 4 pg 84-85

3.1. Higher

3.2. Visual spatial

3.2.1. Im good at this because i can remember anything easily if a professor were to write on the bored, or teach it to me.

3.3. verbal linguistic

3.3.1. I love being able to learn new things and write a lot.

3.4. Musical

3.4.1. i love music, when i study i turn words in music so it can help me on a test

3.5. Intrapersonal

3.5.1. I know what i want to do in life in order to be successful.

3.6. Lower

3.7. Logic mathematical

3.7.1. Not that good in math but very good at other subjects

3.8. Interpersonal

3.8.1. I don't really interact with people, i'm more of a person who be by themselves

3.9. Naturalistic

3.9.1. Not really an environment type of girl, i don't plant or play with animals

4. O*Net MyNextMove

4.1. Artistic

4.1.1. I love creating project and doing stuff with my hands,

4.2. Enterprising

4.2.1. I'm a problem solver, if i feel something in a situation isn't good ill negotitate

4.3. Social

4.3.1. Im very social, i love talking and getting to know more people

5. Personality Spectrum (Ch 4 pg 87)

5.1. Higher

5.2. "Goes along with study stratgies." Organizer & Thinker

5.3. Lower

5.4. Goes along with study stratgies." Giver & Adevnturer

6. Successful Intelligence

6.1. Practical skill

6.1.1. I can find my way around any obstacle.

6.2. Creative skill

6.2.1. Im very creative i love coming up with ways to make things so much better, colorful, amusing and exciting.

6.3. Analytical skill

6.3.1. When i know i'm going to do something i think whether should should i do it or not, i tend ti list the good and bad of it.

7. Emotional Intelligence

7.1. Star performer

7.1.1. Dependencies

7.1.2. Milestones

7.2. Working toward goals that are not in alignment with our key values and greater purpose. Driver of your high performance under pressure for years to come

7.2.1. Schedule

7.2.2. Budget

8. Preferred Study Strategies Ch 4 pg 93

8.1. Organizer

8.1.1. I have to be organized in order to study because its less stress

8.2. Thinker

8.2.1. I have to be a great thinker to know whats next in a timely matter.

8.3. Giver

8.3.1. Studying with other giving them my notes for help. Teamwork!!!!

9. Building Excellence Learning

9.1. Physiological Intake- Meaning always eating a good breakfast before a exam and getting good night sleep

9.2. Emotion - Motivation - motivating myself that i can and will pass it!!! or i can do it

9.3. preferences - Auditory verbal