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Articles by Mind Map: Articles

1. "A" Use

1.1. - The article" a" is used before singular, countable nouns which begin with consonant sounds.

1.2. Examples: - He is a teacher. - She doesn't own a car. - I saw a bear at the zoo.

2. Use of the indefinite article a/an

2.1. Before phrases of time and measurements (per week/weekly)

2.1.1. - We have English 4 times a week. - I go on holiday twice a year. - Our car can do 220 kilometres an hour. - Tomatoes are $2 a kilo.

2.2. Before phrases of jobs

2.2.1. My father is a car mechanic.

2.3. With a noun complement

2.3.1. He is a good boy.

2.4. Before phrases of nationality

2.4.1. Bruce Springsteen is an American.

3. "An" Use

3.1. The article "An" is used before singular, countable nouns which begin with vowel sounds

3.2. Examples: He is an actor. She didn't get an invitation. I saw an eagle at the zoo.

4. Video