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NPGHS Logo by Mind Map: NPGHS Logo

1. Action Points

1.1. Have the logo outline done by middle of week 6

1.1.1. This much time because I am going away and there are shorter weeks at school

1.2. Make sure everything I do with the lighting looks reasonalble

1.2.1. If I know what I want to do with lighting before I start the animation I can just work on the animation more after

1.3. Start working on the animation as soon as possible

1.3.1. The sooner I start the more time I can put into making it look good and effective

1.4. Use any left over time to finish evaluations and and last minuet touch ups

1.4.1. Giving myself time to finish work will help me not rush to make it perfect the first time and I will b able to get feedback

1.5. Constantly talk to my stakeholders so I know I am keeping up with what they want

1.5.1. This will help with my evaluation and to know what I am doing

2. Ideas

2.1. Idea 1

2.1.1. Is in onenote

2.2. Idea 2

2.2.1. is in onenote

2.3. Idea 3

2.3.1. Is in onenote

3. Stakeholders

3.1. Mr Bouterey

3.2. Students in my class

3.2.1. Jamiee, Lucy

3.3. Another teacher in the school

3.3.1. Miss Mac, Mr Byrn

4. Logo

4.1. Make the logo look sharp and not pixelated

4.2. Change the logo to look how my stakeholder looks good and work with lighting and shading

4.3. Make the logo into an animation