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Government by Mind Map: Government

1. Rights

1.1. Legal Principle

1.1.1. Set of rules

1.2. Social Principle

1.2.1. Has consequences

1.3. Ethical Principle

1.3.1. To do good

2. Election

2.1. Decision-making process

2.1.1. Chooses our next president, congress and the senate.

3. Law

3.1. Rules

3.1.1. Regulations

4. Ballot

4.1. A piece of paper in where they place their vote

4.1.1. Voting occurs every 2 years for senate and congress and 4 years for U.S. president

5. Vote

5.1. In which the people choose who would become they next president

5.1.1. Voting happens every 4 years during the month of November