What is in our Solar System?

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What is in our Solar System? by Mind Map: What is in our Solar System?

1. Mercury #1

1.1. rocky planet

1.2. fastest moving planet

1.2.1. has faster season

1.2.2. take less to revolve around the sun

2. Venus #2

2.1. covered with thick clouds

2.1.1. traps heat inside

2.1.2. too much pressure to go investigate

3. Neptune #7

3.1. coldest planet

4. Uranus #8

4.1. fastest winds

4.2. color is blue

5. Sun

5.1. Is a star

5.2. a hot ball of gas

6. Earth #3

6.1. has oxygen

6.1.1. needed for humans to breath

6.2. only planet with life

7. Mars #4

7.1. " Red Planet"

7.1.1. red sand makes it look red

7.2. has the largest volcanoes

7.3. can be Earths Twin

8. Jupiter #5

8.1. biggest planet

8.2. has a giant red spot

8.2.1. has a violent storm insdie

9. Saturn #6

9.1. has ring around it

9.1.1. made up of ice and rock

9.2. gas planet

10. Asteroid Belt

10.1. is made up of rock

10.1.1. creates a border between rocky and gas planets