Learning Relationship & Conversations

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Learning Relationship & Conversations by Mind Map: Learning Relationship & Conversations

1. Relationships

1.1. Consent to Learn

1.2. Growing & Learning

1.3. Fear & Coping in class

1.4. Creating human identity

2. Adapt a good teaching method that will help all your students

3. Boost the confidence of each student

4. Build a solid trust and good mentor to your students

5. Create a free learning environment

6. Monitor growth of each and encourage participation

7. Application to a subject area

7.1. Organise the topics which will motivate accountants or business futuristics

7.2. Emancipate the minds of students in practical work or corporate level

7.3. Build a solid background with learner in order to engage in subject contents

7.4. Allow floating ideas of individuals students

8. Conversations -Value of interactive learning

8.1. Conversation as the place where we learn

8.2. Community building through conversation

8.3. Diversity in conversation

8.4. Conversation as pedagogy

9. Be part of constructive concersations

10. discuss the dilemma to clarify and understand all the aspects involved

11. Identify situations in which a dilemma was experienced

12. Facilitating a conversation around a dilemma is a delicate process

13. Facilitating a conversation around a dilemma is a delicate process