Life In The Slums

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Life In The Slums by Mind Map: Life In The Slums

1. Where

1.1. Where are the slums mostly located

1.2. More than half of the children in Chile live in slums, more than 1 million people on earth don't have access to clean water, nearly 2/3 of the water we use goes to waste

2. Why

2.1. Why don't people have any chance at education in the slums

3. How

3.1. How does the location of a slum affect what the people have access to

3.2. 70% of our world is water but only 3% is drinkable

4. If you were to look down on the slums you might not even notice the peoples homes because the houses blend in with the trash People don’t own bathrooms: toilet, shower, sink The people say that they are happy and that living there is right because they’ve never experienced different People have had to build slums illegally in order to have a roof over their heads People live in tents Dirty and unreliable homes Limited sense of danger 12’ by 12’ home is shared w/ extended family Gender inequality Lack of sanitation 1 doctor every 4000 people Living next to a swamp and gutter Kids get sick from drinking water that they have access to Kids from the ages 10-15 take care of their siblings with no help Oldest sibling has to make food and sell it to pay for the school fees Kids walk 2 hours to get water People don’t have a place to keep their trash so they have no other choice than to actually live in it Chance at getting guinea worm if they drink from a dirty river

5. Who

5.1. Who are the people moving to the slums

5.2. People

6. What

6.1. What is causing slums to continuously develop

6.2. 1. People begin to lose their homes to fires and are left homeless

7. When

7.1. When will people have a chance to change their lives and have adequate sanitation