Al- Waqiyyah

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Al- Waqiyyah by Mind Map: Al- Waqiyyah

1. Concept

1.1. 1.Aqidah

1.2. 2.Ibadah

1.3. 3.Morality

1.4. 4.Syariah

2. Proof that Islam has characteristics of Waqiyyah

2.1. Islamic Law can be accepted and practised by all mankind

2.2. universal justice

2.3. Islamic justice

2.4. defends the truth

3. Definition

3.1. reality and truth

4. Principles

4.1. 1. Practical Islamic Teachings

4.2. 2. Solve human problems

4.3. 3.Islam Emphasizes on moderation

4.4. 4.Positive towards human thought