Chapter 3 Go West!

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Chapter 3 Go West! by Mind Map: Chapter 3 Go West!

1. Frontier

2. Migration

3. Push Factors

4. 1.Discoveries of precious metals

5. 2. Completion of transcontinental railroad

6. 3. Relocation of Indians: "Indian Wars" & Reservations

7. 4. Cheap or free land: Homestead Act of 1862

8. Ethnic persecution,

9. drought

10. poverty

11. Native American Experience

12. Evolution of American West

13. The Indian War 1864-1890

14. The Cheyenne and the Sand Creek Massacre (1864)

15. Sioux- Black Hills: Custer and Crazy Horse at Little Big Horn; Wounded Knee Massacre (1890)

16. Chief Joseph and Nez Perce flight to Canada

17. Apaches and Comanches in the Southwest

18. mining

19. cattle kingdom

20. Farmers

21. ranchers

22. Cowboys

23. open range

24. closed range