1. The revolutionism of 1848 - in Germany/Central Europe
1.1. several outbreaks of revolution
1.1.1. caused the French King Louis Phillippe to abdicate February 24th 1848
1.1.2. revolutions occurred in various states
1.2. Metternich restored monarchical government in Europe
1.3. Kingdom of Prussia
1.3.1. ruled by King Frederick William IV determindly anti-liberal in outlook. United Diet of 1847
1.4. Germany was not a unified country in 1848
1.5. led by the people
1.5.1. people who wanted to reform the government people who wanted to unify
1.6. Prussia
1.6.1. successfully put down its own revolution helped other German states quell revolutions
1.7. Germany was finally unified in 1871
1.7.1. it was under Prussia.
2. The French Revolution of 1848
2.1. shook France between 1787 and 1799
2.1.1. Also known as the February Revolution
2.2. general cause was the social structure of the West
2.2.1. peasants didn't support the feudal system;
2.3. Louis XVIII
2.3.1. lienated opinion due to his absolutist tendencies
2.4. Metternich sought to encourage the re establishment of "Order"
2.5. Orleanist
2.6. Abdication of Louis-Philippe
2.6.1. Established the Second Republic On 2 December 1848, Napoleon became president Government members with Napoleon
2.6.2. Bourbon Dynasty Philip Egalité
2.6.3. had very few supporters
2.7. agricultural production leading to rising food prices
2.7.1. depressed economic conditions widespread unemployment led to a radicalisation of political attitudes.
2.8. On 14th January 1848 the authorities banned a "banquet"
3. The Italian revolution of 1848
3.1. organized revolts in Sicily
3.2. led by intellectuals and agitators
3.2.1. desired a liberal government.
3.2.2. the state of Piedmont
3.3. Italy was not a unified country
3.3.1. partially accounts for the revolution's failure
3.4. Northern Italy, were ruled by the Austrian Empire.
3.4.1. They wanted to be free made for a multi-pronged struggle
3.4.2. Metternich regarded this as a major victory Napoleon seemed to have been defeated. Napoleonic era 1789-1815 Metternich wanted to formalize the "Italian Federation"
3.4.3. Granted liberal rights to some uprisings the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia 1815 were very populous
3.5. complete its unification until 1870.
3.6. revolution sparked by peasants
3.6.1. hunger and poverty were main reasons
3.6.2. started various riots riots took place across the coutnry