European Revolutions of 1848

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European Revolutions of 1848 by Mind Map: European Revolutions of 1848

1. German Lands and Central Europe

1.1. Movement for a single parliament

1.2. Central European nations promote distinct existence

1.3. Nationalism in Germany

1.4. French king Louis Phillippe abdicates

1.5. Metternich, chief minister, driven into exile

1.6. Demands for change; move towards constitutions/liberalization

1.7. Prussia ruled by anti liberal Frederick William IV

2. French

2.1. re encourage establishment of "order

2.2. In wake of French Revolution & Napoleon

2.3. Bourbon dynasty had been restored in France

2.4. Weather led to rising food prices and depressed economy

2.4.1. Led to radicalization of political attitudes

2.5. "Banquet" banned

2.5.1. Led to rebellion

2.6. New provisional government formed (1848)

3. Italy

3.1. "Liberal" papacy

3.2. Italian nation aspiration rekindled

3.3. Italian Peninsula

3.4. Lombardy and Venetia acquired

3.4.1. Contribute tax revenue (populous)

3.5. People want liberty and greater independence

3.5.1. Unification and Nationalism

3.5.2. New node

3.6. 1834- first attempt at revolution

3.6.1. Suppressed

3.7. 1848- tobacco riots in Milan

3.8. March 1848- revolution spills into Italy

3.8.1. Venetian Republic re established

3.9. Demand for free press etc