Revolutions of 1848

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Revolutions of 1848 by Mind Map: Revolutions of 1848

1. Habsburg emperor establish protection against suppression

2. Germanic national and liberal enthusiasm

2.1. black ,red, gold german colours worn by students

2.1.1. German Constitution without consent from government german austrian delegates attending proceedings Frankfurt

3. australian authorites patent Pillersdorf constitution

3.1. emperor had been forced to deport from vienna

3.1.1. committee of safety people flees the city because of diverse harrassment economic woas piled for the safety committee

4. Hungary and Transylvania became one state

4.1. bohemia and moravia were promised separate political estates

4.1.1. slav elements arranged a pan-slav congress may 7 coat-illyrian nationalism lead by josip jellachic serbs and croats decided to attend the general assembly

5. 30 may union of transylvania with hungary

5.1. 75% population of Transylvania declined the union

6. Pan-slav congress held in early june

6.1. a proclamation was issued to Austrian emperor

6.1.1. transform imperial state into a union of equal nations.

7. hopes of social and political reform

7.1. france few supporters for its liberal monarchy

7.1.1. 14 january 1848 authorities banned banquet Louis Phillipe abdicated and france was given a provisional government

8. March demands in german states

8.1. federal diet of the german confederation

8.1.1. berliners had fallen in street fight Frederick williams colors revolutionary and consrvative

9. Europe rise tide of cultural and linguistic nationalism

9.1. 1823 emperor of austria authorized hungarian political assembly

9.1.1. Magyar tongue appropriate for administrative and judicial courts 1848 Kossuth speech constitutionally defined governmental system for hungary Magyar distilled into 12 specific demands

10. March 13, Viennese citizens effected by the use of military forces

10.1. Metternich's fall encouraged liberal, constitutional, national aspirations.

10.1.1. Austrian authorities concession abolishing pervasive censorship of press 1848 abolition of robot obligation people influenced by romanticisations of nationality