The Rise of Christianity

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The Rise of Christianity by Mind Map: The Rise of Christianity

1. The Life of Jesus and his teachings.

1.1. In 6 A.D Rome controlled the Jewish kingdom of Judea.

1.1.1. Even under roman control the Jewish peoples believed the Messiah would come and free them.

1.2. Jesus of Nazareth

1.2.1. Around 6 - 4 B.C a Jew named Jesus was born in Bethelehem, Judea.

1.2.2. At 30 years of age Jesus began his teachings of monotheism, the 10 comandments, and Gods eternal kingdom.

1.3. A Growing Movement

1.3.1. The main source of information about Jesus is written in the Bible by his apostles.

1.3.2. People were touched by his message especially the poor.

1.4. Jesus' Death

1.4.1. around 29 A.D Jesus was accused of defying Romes authority and was sentenced to death, via crucification.

1.4.2. After his death, Jesus was placed in a tomb and 3 days later his body was gone, leading to the popular belief that he was the messiah.

2. Christianity Spreads Through the Empire

2.1. The first followers of Jesus were Jews, these followers created a new religion based on his messages.

2.2. Paul's Mission

2.2.1. At first and enemy of christianity, the apostle paul spead Jesus' teachings and had enormous influence on christianity's development.

2.2.2. Pax Romana made it easy for Christanity to spread

2.3. Jewish Rebellion

2.3.1. In 66 A.D a band of Jews rebelled against Rome, 4 years later the Romans stormed Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple Complex.

2.3.2. After another rebellion in 132 A.D, a half a million Jews died and then the surivors dispersed from their homeland.

2.4. Persecution of the Christians

2.4.1. Christians refused to worship Roman gods, thus opposing the Roman Empire

2.4.2. Pax Romana crumbled and christians began to be exiled, imprisoned, and crucified.

2.4.3. Some people regarded the people who died as martyers.

3. A world Religion

3.1. Christanity became a powerful force because it:

3.1.1. embraced all people, men and women.

3.1.2. gave hope to the powerless.

3.1.3. Offered a personal relationship with a loving God.

3.1.4. Promised eternal life after death.

3.2. Early Christian Church

3.2.1. Christians gave their religion a structure.

3.2.2. Locally there was a preist to lead the people. Bishops supervised local churches

3.2.3. The apostle Peter travled to Rome from Jerusalem to become the first pope Peter was the bishop of Rome, aka the Pope of father of the Christian church.

3.3. Constantine Accepts Christianity

3.3.1. In A.D 312 The Roman emperor becomes a christian and a year later announces an end to christian persuciation.

3.4. A single Voice

3.4.1. Because of disagreements about beliefs the church compiled and offiacl standard of belief in the New testament.

3.5. The Fathers of the Church

3.5.1. several early writers/scolars became the fathers of the church most important was Augustine who wrote The City of God.

3.6. As Christianity grew the Roman Empire fell.