Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

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Bloom's Digital Taxonomy by Mind Map: Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

1. Analyzing

1.1. Draw connections among ideas

1.1.1. Use Excel in order to create spreadsheets and graphs. Alternatively, educational programs such as iReady ( and IXL ( teachers student data in order to track and analyze mastery.

2. Evaluating

2.1. Justify a stand or decision

2.1.1. Peers can use Google Drive to collaborate and offer different perspectives simultaneously. Skype could also be used to hold online conversations to exchange ideas and opinions.

3. Creating

3.1. Produce new or original work

3.1.1. Piktochart ( can be used to create infographics, reports and presentations.

4. Remembering

4.1. Recall facts and basic concepts

4.1.1. Tools for keeping information and staying up to date: Evernote, Google Calendar

5. Understanding

5.1. Explain ideas or concepts

5.1.1. Engaging presentations could be made through Prezi ( to help students understand concepts

6. Applying

6.1. Use information in new situations

6.1.1. Students can apply their understanding by participating in blogs and online discussions such as Edline (