Religious Tolerance
by Jane Huang
1. Comments on religion
1.1. Have faith, the content is irrelevant.
1.2. Religions have nothing to do with God.
1.3. Are you open to other beliefs besides your own?
1.4. You don't need religion to have these capacities. One could say these feelings are not genuine if only done because of God's mandate.
1.5. Identifying yourself as a certain religion seems sensitive. I think we are too politically correct.
1.5.1. Sadly, I think political correctness can be intolerant too. We have taken it too far.
1.6. How many victimes will it take for us to realize that we automatically judge people? Our judgemental attitudes need to be examined first.
1.7. Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself!!!
1.8. It is intolerant to force your beliefs on people.
1.8.1. People have different ideas of what "forcing" means.
1.9. The problem with problematic religious people is that they are close-minded.
1.10. You are your own God.
1.10.1. Having self-confidence is very important. But we are not perfect.
1.11. People are so passionate about their beliefs that they can momentarily forget what their religion is about.
2. What should religion be for?
2.1. To understand God
2.2. To support the practice of the values embedded in our faith and well-being as spritual entities.
2.3. Finding a meaning in life.
2.4. Instead of arguing, people should practice what they preach and help people.
2.5. To spread love and compassion in the world
3. Is religious tolerance possible?
3.1. It is possible to accept and treat each other with respect while acknowledging and talking about our different beliefs.
3.2. Yes! There can be dialogue and tolerance but you need to respect other people's freedom.
3.3. Tolerance is possible, but it isn't lucrative; that's why no one wants it. $
3.4. Religion is tolerable if it tolerates democracy and stays out of politics, not imposing decisions upon people who don't believe what the decisions are based on. (God, afterlife, etc.)
3.5. When I think about what harm Christianity has done, I find it hard to believe in tolerance.
3.6. The Crusades? The Inquisition? Ireland? The Middle East? 9/11?
4. What is intolerance? What is tolerance?
4.1. Tolerance vs. intolerance is a matter of action not belief.
4.2. Understand that we have things in common.
5. What is religious tolerance?
5.1. Loving yourself and others
5.2. Compassion
5.3. Loving everyone the same
5.4. Be considerate. Everyone has a choice.
5.5. Not dividing peoples
5.6. Being culturally aware.
5.7. Tolerance is not letting your opinions blind yourself.
5.8. Respecting other's beliefs.
5.8.1. What is respect? Respect is putting yourself in someone else's shoes.
5.9. What counts as acceptance?
5.9.1. I find though that we have boundaries o rrestrictions for acceptance. How much love are we willing to give?