Online Health Diagnosis

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Online Health Diagnosis by Mind Map: Online Health Diagnosis

1. Pros of having access to online health diagnosis

1.1. more affordable then a GP

1.2. saves time in your day

1.3. lets you compare and contrast treatment options so you can make the final choice

1.4. easily accessible

2. Cons of having access to online health diagnosis

2.1. wrong diagnosis

2.2. if someone is relying on the online health diagnosis to much they could seek inappropriate treatments options and not access the treatment which is needed

2.3. stress due to a diagnosis that is not 100% accurate which can effect a persons overall well being

3. cybercondria

3.1. a disorder that has a person obsessed with online diagnosis, therefor any minor illness or discomfort is researched and analysed, this causes stress on them to treat themselves or find a diagnosis.

4. creditability of the information given from online health diagnosis

4.1. can you be sure if the information given is 100% Accurate ?

4.2. are symptoms different for every illness? if not could the online diagnosis be wrong?

4.3. how much of your treatment should you base of what the internet advises