Craig Newmark

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Craig Newmark by Mind Map: Craig Newmark

1. his life

1.1. Craig is an internet famous person, he created craiglist, he was born in New Jersey, USA, the 6 of december of 1952, he is also a very intelligent person, he entered to the case western reserve university and two years later he got a master of science

2. craiglist: his job

2.1. Craig is an internet famous person, he created craiglist, he was born in New Jersey, USA, the 6 of december of 1952, he is also a very intelligent person, he entered to the case western reserve university and two years later he got a master of science

3. personal aspects

3.1. he have a wife called Eileen Whelpley, a mother called Joyce Newmark and a father called Lee Newmark, he have a normal American life, the only different thing is that he got 1 million of dollars per month

4. other jobs

4.1. he only have made one extra job: Craigconnects