PROject BAsed Blended LEarning - PRO.BA.B.LE

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PROject BAsed Blended LEarning - PRO.BA.B.LE par Mind Map: PROject BAsed Blended LEarning - PRO.BA.B.LE

1. Sharing

1.1. Community of Designing

1.2. Community of Practice

1.3. Community of Learning

1.4. Social Networking

1.5. Groupware

2. Tool-kit

2.1. Mindmeister

2.2. Tumblr

2.2.1. Blogger

2.3. Twitter

2.3.1. TweetFeed TwentiFeet


3. Design

3.1. Scouting/exploration

3.2. Selection/Choice

3.3. Analysis

3.4. Discovery

3.5. Design

3.6. Development

3.7. Release

3.8. Evaluation

3.9. Monitoring

3.10. Improvement

4. Operating

4.1. Mapping

4.2. Blogging

4.3. Cooperation

4.4. NewsMastering

4.5. New node

5. New node