Chapters 4 & 5

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Chapters 4 & 5 by Mind Map: Chapters 4 & 5

1. The Movie Star Doctor

1.1. Dr. Yehia- director of the IVF-ET unit @ Nozha International hospital

1.2. Technologically savvy-western trained subspecialist & built highly successful IVF center

1.3. Eager, energetic & highly competent

1.4. highly recommended & sough after, and passed the character test

2. Private Providers & The NRT "Epidemic"

2.1. Adverse forms of competition

2.2. lack of formal regulation

2.3. equity issues

2.4. overprivileging

2.5. plagued by numerous potential problems

3. Private IVF Providers of Egypt

3.1. IVF-ET Center located in Maadi--oldest & best known, 1st to open in Egypt, 1st to create a baby-of-the-tubes

3.2. Nile Badrawi Hospital Center for the Medically Assisted Conception--2nd successful IVF center

3.3. Nozha Hospital with Dr. Yehia-- 3rd center

4. Quality of Care: Patients Perspective

4.1. finely honed interpersonal skill

4.2. human dimension

4.3. client centerd

5. Quality of Care: Physcians Perspective

5.1. need to strategically place IVF centers

5.2. dependence on the west--blessing & curse

5.3. costs absorbed over time by patients

5.4. local infrastructure problems-- frequent power outages, water supply & permanent supplies

5.5. lack of quality control in IVF labs

6. Reproductive Medicine & Religious Morality

6.1. Religion constrains new reproductive technologies

6.2. "Egyptians wholeheartedly agree and to which they stringently comply" (88)

6.3. Religion reduces the number of technological options available & the number of couples willing to use the available reproductive technologies for fear of moral ramifications

6.4. Convergence between official religious doctrine & medical profession practices

7. Fatwas & "Official Islam"

7.1. Nonbinding religious opinions interpreting whether a behavior or action falls into a category: 1- obligatory (wajib), 2-recommended (sunna), 3-permitted (mubah), 4-undesirable but not forbidden (makruh), 5-forbidden (haram)

7.2. There are 10 guidelines that pertain to medically assisted conception

7.3. What is deemed moral in one country may be considered immoral in another

8. Discourses of Donation

8.1. Third party donation is haram

8.2. Third party donation is a form of adultry & threatens the marriage bond

8.3. Third party donation potentially can create incest, confuses kinship & inheritance

9. "Unofficial" Discourses of Islam & IVF

9.1. God 1st, doctors 2nd

9.2. If they make it to IVF, then they believe God wanted them to undergo IVF