B1and B2

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B1and B2 by Mind Map: B1and B2

1. What do we measure?

1.1. -Examples

1.2. -Lenght

1.3. -Time

1.4. -Volume

1.5. -Temperature

2. What intruments do we use to measure lenght?

2.1. For measuring shot lenghts:Ruler

2.2. For measuring longer lenghts and surfaces that are curved:Measuring Tape.

3. What intruments do we use to measure lenght.

3.1. For measuring diameters of calipers.

3.2. -External calipers:Measure the external diameter of objects.

3.3. -Internal calipers:Measure the internal diameter.

4. Area:amount of space taken up by the surface of an object.

5. average speed

5.1. It is more useful to measure the average speed than the speed at a particular instand .

5.2. Average speed is the TOTAL DIASTANCE travelled divided by the TOTAL take.

6. Density

6.1. Density od a substance is the mass of the substances per unit volume

7. How do we measure?

7.1. Using a pre-determined amount as a standard of measurement.

7.2. This pre-determined amount, called a unit,is then used as a reference against which all measurements are made.

8. The SI unit of Lenght

8.1. Metre

8.2. Sybol: m

9. Volume:

9.1. SI Unit:cubic metre

9.2. Cubic centimetres

9.3. The amount of space a substance occupies

10. The SI unit of Mass

10.1. Kilogram(kg)

10.2. Measurement we use a

10.3. Double beam balance

10.4. Electronic balance

11. The SI unit of Time

11.1. Seconds

12. Temperature

12.1. tells us how hot or cold it is

12.2. Common Unit:Degree Celsius

12.3. Instruments used:Thermometers

13. speed

13.1. speed is the measurement of how fast someone or something moves.

13.2. speed depends on 2 quantities

13.3. Distance(Km/m)

13.4. Time(h/min/s)

13.5. SI unit of speed:Metre per second(m/s)