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HTML5 by Mind Map: HTML5

1. OfflineStorage

1.1. WebStorage

1.2. IndexedDB

1.3. ApplicationCache

2. DeviceAccess

2.1. Native Drag& Drop

2.2. FileSystemAPI

2.3. Geolocation

2.4. DeviceOrientation

2.5. SpeechInput

2.6. Media Capture and Streams

2.7. Vibration

2.8. AmbientLight

2.9. Proximity

2.10. BatteryStatus

3. Multimedia

3.1. Audio + Video

4. Connectivity

4.1. WebWorkers

4.2. WebSocket

4.3. Notifications

4.4. WebRTC

5. Graphics

5.1. Canvas 3D(WebGL)

5.2. Canvas 2D

5.3. Inline SVG