the 10 most popular programming languages

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the 10 most popular programming languages by Mind Map: the 10  most popular programming languages

1. 8. C#

1.1. visual studio

1.2. paint

1.3. sharp develop

2. 3. C

2.1. software that has been doing with C

2.2. adobe systems

2.3. mozila

2.4. bloomberg

3. 1. java

3.1. software that has been doing with java

3.2. sun spot

3.3. ultra mixer

3.4. blu-ray

4. 2. python

4.1. software that has been doing with python

4.2. abaqus

4.3. amarok

4.4. ADvantage framework

5. 4. Ruby

5.1. software that has been doing with Ruby

5.2. sinatra

5.3. rails

5.4. homebrew

6. 6. Objective-C

6.1. apple development

7. 7. SQL

7.1. cubrid

7.2. firebird

7.3. mariaDB

8. 5. PHP

8.1. wikipedia

8.1.1. wordpress

8.1.2. flickr

9. 9. javascrip.

9.1. histography

9.2. filippo bello

9.3. leg work studio

10. 10 swift .

10.1. artsy

10.2. mengto

10.3. flappy bird