We should have a summer break

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We should have a summer break by Mind Map: We should have a summer break

1. It is healthy to take a long break.

2. Reason 2: Based on the facts on the website emaxhealth.com summer "strengthens family ties, enjoy life, improve your physical health, improves your mental skills, and relieves stress." and this is why it is healthy to take a long break

2.1. (5 heath benefits of taking a summer vacation,1)

3. Summer is our only long break and kids should get a break.

4. If kids don't have a summer break then they don't have time to refresh their memory.

5. Reason 1: based on a website called www.desertnews.com they prove it helps family relationships by saying "Family vacations increase family bonding, especially when a lot of the activities have to do with talking about memories or even sharing stressful moments together.

5.1. (Scribner,1)

6. Reason 2 Based on a website called scope.schoolastic.com kids should have a break and to prove this they say “Many kids feel they need a long break to recover from academic and social pressures of school. And many educators count on summer to prepare for the upcoming school year - and to get a much-needed break of their own.”

6.1. "Should you give up summer vacation" (Kelsey,28)

7. Counter Argument: You may say that kids forget everything over the summer break, but they forget everything in school anyways! Once kids move on to a new topic they leave the old topics behind. Summer is a great time to refresh their memory since they have no hard work going on. If they give kids time to think about school and refresh it helps them.