Athletes are not overpaid

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Athletes are not overpaid by Mind Map: Athletes are not overpaid

1. They train every day and most of the athletes usually get really hurt and they use a lot of that money they urn for their injuries and medical bills.

1.1. “Training can be gruilling. Injuries are a constant threat,” (Carro 25).

2. Most athletes don’t just use their money for a huge house or expensive shoes they use it for good like scholarships for people that can't afford it.

2.1. “Many athletes use their fame and fortune to make the world a better place. LeBron James helps get college scholarships for kids who couldn't otherwise afford to go,” (Carro 25).

3. We are the ones who pay these athletes because a bunch of people spend so much money on the tickets and the overpriced food they buy that the athletes get a lot of that money.

3.1. "We are the ones who are willing to keep giving more of our hard-earned money to attend games in person, buy over-priced beer and food and wear the jerseys of our favorite athletes," (Mueller).

4. Fireman, police and, doctors are people who sometimes save lives but don't get paid as much as athletes and that's because a fire doesn't start everyday or a shooting doesn't happen everyday but people buy tickets and get exited for the game everyday and when the game comes people go crazy for it.

4.1. sound reasoning.