Stores shouldn't be allowed to spy on you.

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Stores shouldn't be allowed to spy on you. by Mind Map: Stores shouldn't be allowed to spy on you.

1. Counter Arguement

1.1. I think that my opponent will think that it is easier to get sales and deals to customers but really it would make it harder. They would have to go through all of the info they gathered from them, and find there email. It would take longer then just advertising on a website or billboard.

2. If you have that much information on a person without them knowing, it could be dangerous towards both you a and them.

3. Reason 3- That much data on a person can be dangerous.

4. Reason 1- Most people don't like there phone being tracked.

4.1. "In a recent survey conducted by OpinionLab77, 77% of consumers said that in store cell phone tracking was unacceptable". ( Joshua 22)- Scope

5. Reason 2 -The information can Be misused.

5.1. "Usually when information is there, it will be misused. That's the real problem with collecting lots of information on people without any regulation at all. It can be misused and eventually it will be misused", (Bonney).