You should not clone your pet

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You should not clone your pet by Mind Map: You should not  clone your pet

1. Its a good idea because to keep your pet around but also a bad idea because there might be some failures. But cloning can be good and bad at the same time.

2. "Chance was a unsually gentle bull,he died and cloned him but second Chance did not have the same mild disposition"(Should you clone your pet 28)

3. "For every successful clone,there are dozens of failures."(Should you Clone your pet 28)

4. If you clone your pet while you having that pet,you will have twice as responsibility. And you have to buy more supplys and need to take care of them for a long time.

5. The clone might be the opposite of your real pet.

6. There might be failures in cloning.

7. Its twice as responsibility.