Initial Ideas, Thoughts

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Initial Ideas, Thoughts by Mind Map: Initial Ideas, Thoughts

1. Images

1.1. First reading

1.1.1. Young man - has abs and gelled up hair. Quite tall and built for his age

1.1.2. Mommy- classy lipstick- most likely a dark color

1.1.3. Daddy- Stick figure, Long hair

1.1.4. Grandma- grey hair - quite big - She has a monitor

1.1.5. Heartbreaking

1.2. Second reading (solo, read aloud)

1.2.1. Blue shovel shells

1.2.2. Background- sky blue an black with metallic stars

1.3. Third reading (group reading)

1.3.1. Halo

1.3.2. Angel wings

1.3.3. Stars

1.3.4. Sand

1.3.5. Blue sandbox

1.3.6. Red lipstick

1.3.7. Grey hair

1.3.8. Blue dress

2. Sounds

2.1. First reading

2.1.1. flute sounds

2.1.2. Sound of waves

2.1.3. Wind blowing

2.1.4. Screaming

2.2. Second reading (solo, read aloud)

2.2.1. Piercing laugh from mommy

2.2.2. Musician playing a soft tune in the beginning of the play

2.2.3. Thump sound next to Grandma

2.2.4. Song musician is playing becomes sharper in the middle of the play. This is when there is tension about figuring out if Grandma was alright.

2.2.5. shhh. Mommy doing the shhh sound

2.3. Third reading (group reading)

2.4. Violin

2.5. Gentle dying sounds

2.6. Heart monitoring sounds

2.7. Shovelling sounds

2.8. Thunder

2.9. Water

3. Thoughts

3.1. First reading

3.1.1. I know that the mommy and daddy in this scene are close to being senile and lack imagination

3.1.2. There is a correlation with the cycle of death.

3.1.3. No one is smart in the play. It mentions pre senility and vacuity mean

3.2. Second reading (solo, read aloud)

3.2.1. This play is closely related to the playwright Edrwas Albee's childhood.

3.2.2. You are able to determine the kind of relationship each one has.

3.3. Third reading (group reading)

3.3.1. Mother-daughter-negative relationship

3.3.2. Son-in-law- mother relationship

3.3.3. Marital relationship- controlling woman

3.3.4. Beauty of death

3.3.5. Beauty of nature

3.3.6. The past

4. Questions

4.1. First reading

4.1.1. Why is she sitting in the sandbox

4.1.2. Why is Grandma making discomforting sounds

4.1.3. Why do mommy and daddy have nothing to talk about

4.1.4. Is the grandma flirtatious with the young man?

4.2. Second reading (solo, read aloud)

4.2.1. Why does the young man repetitively say Hi and Hello?

4.2.2. With is the young man called the Angel of death?

4.2.3. Is this play to imply that young man had good relationship with the grandma

4.2.4. Was the greeting of Ms. Faber correct?

4.3. Third reading (group reading)

4.3.1. When is it set?

4.3.2. Why at the beach?

4.3.3. Why do they treat grandma so badly

4.3.4. Why is g'ma sitting in the sandbox

4.3.5. Why do they break the 4th wall

4.3.6. Why is angel of death portrayed as a young man

4.3.7. Why is the musician there

4.3.8. Why doesn't musician express a perspective

4.3.9. Why young man doing calisthenics

4.3.10. Why are there no names

4.3.11. Why is the musician young