Teens shouldn’t be paid less than adults because some teens are faced with the struggle of suppor...

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Teens shouldn’t be paid less than adults because some teens are faced with the struggle of supporting their families, they can perform some tasks at the same level as adults, and they would be able to afford college. por Mind Map: Teens shouldn’t be paid less than adults because some teens are faced with the struggle of supporting their families, they can perform some tasks at the same level as adults, and they would be able to afford college.

1. Although many teens don't have degrees or a ton of expertise by working they will only increase their level of experience for future opportunities.

2. https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://img.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2015/04/drop.jpg&w=480

3. Some teenagers are faced with the struggle of supporting their families

4. They may not have gone to college or have a ton of experience.

5. "Studies have show six out of 10 of the teenagers identified earned less than $10,000 a year" ("Why Teens are dropping out of School"), from working in restaurants, on construction sites, cleaning buildings, among other things. "A third of the kids contribute more than 20 percent of the total annual income of their households, a tenth contributed more than 50 percent, the study said" (Thomas 12).

6. Just because someone may be 15-19 years old doesn't mean they don't have the same skill level as adults. Certain skills of teenagers can allow them to perform some jobs better than adults such as being a lifeguard, working at a fast food restaurant, landscaping, and social media marketing.

7. They would be able to afford college

8. "The average cost of attending a four-year public school is more than $34,000. Investing in an education is rapidly becoming more and more expensive, so teens truly need every penny they can earn." Said by Jake Mitchell ("Should Teens Earn Less Than Adults?")

9. Teenagers can perform some tasks at the same level or better than adults