Achievement for All Policy for SEND
by Christina Preston
1. A successful pilot Achievement for All is a 2 year pilot running from Sept 2009- July 2011 There are 450 schools in 10 LAs involved and approx 28,000 pupils The pilot includes all SEND children (statemented, SAP and SA) in years 1,5,7,10 Achievement for All is mainly in mainstream primary and secondary schools and some special and PRU schools There is an independent evaluation by University of Manchester. Interim report is expected in Spring 2011 with full report in Summer 2011
2. Good Teaching
2.1. Inspirational
2.2. Well-organised
2.3. Differentiated
2.4. Knowledge-based
2.5. Interactive
2.6. Creativity in removing barriers to learning
3. Use of technology to support data collection
3.1. Use of information and data to drive improvement at pupil, school and local authority level
4. Developing pupil learning - target setting with pupils
5. Learning with parents
5.1. Parent conversations- These detailed conversations are integral to the success of Achievement for All, and one teacher described these as “eye opening”.
6. Questions
6.1. The Academies Act - new structure. What are the implications?
6.2. How will the Education, Health and Care plan offer more support to children and their families?
6.3. What are the implications for schools in regard to one SEN stage to replace school action?
6.4. Is it possible to reduce the current 21% of children with SEND by 10% ?
6.5. How can digital technologies support teachers, pupils and their families?
7. We need Achievement for All because the current system is failing too many children: The achievement gap between 20% of pupils with SEN and disabilities and those without is wide at each key stage and is not closing. Moral purpose – too many children are not fulfilling their potential and are unhappy at school Lamb Inquiry- exposed failures in the system, parents’ frustrations and too great a focus on processes rather than outcomes Future jobs market, independence and fulfilling adulthood
7.1. Achievement for All is a school improvement framework that increases the access, aspiration and achievement of children with SEND. It grew out of Lamb Inquiry (2009) and focuses on outcomes rather than process.
8. There are 3 strands that work together to provide a flexible framework: 1. Assessment; tracking and intervention 2. Improved engagement with parents of children and young people through termly conversations 3. Increased provision for wider outcomes such as reduction in bullying, increased attendance and improving social interaction
9. Leadership- We know that where Achievement for All has been successful, head teachers have been strongly involved in Achievement for All in their schools and have driven Achievement for All as a school improvement strategy.
10. Impact and outcomes – closing the gap
11. Learning and Attitudes to school
11.1. Improving the wider outcomes eg peers relationships and attendance is having an impact on learning and attitudes to school One secondary school reduced persistent absenteeism from 12%to 3.5%. Prior to Achievement for All, attendance in wider outcomes and school clubs was 20% . This has now increased to 70%. Creative strategies being deployed to improve behaviour – this is having a significant impact on achievement
12. The green paper on SEND
12.1. Green paper details
12.1.1. What does the paper do?Builds on the learning from the AfA pilot eg importance of leadership, good teaching and learning, early identification, parental engagement and support Addresses over identification of SEN with a new single early years-setting and school based SEN category Sharper accountability on progress for lowest attainers introducing a new measure into school performance tables Commitment to roll out Achievement for