Challenges for students with vision impairments

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Challenges for students with vision impairments by Mind Map: Challenges for students with vision impairments

1. Accessibility

1.1. Teacher doesn't understand technologies that help

1.1.1. Teachers should be trained

1.2. Can't afford aids at home

1.3. Activities take longer

1.3.1. I need to be given more time

1.4. Reading aids slow me down

1.5. Braille helps but my teacher is not trained

1.5.1. Makes it hard to recognise words & become a good speller

1.5.2. Heavily use screen reader

2. Equality

2.1. Treated differently

2.1.1. Just want to fit in

2.2. Classmates think I'm different

2.3. A human right!

2.3.1. My school should make it happen

3. Participation

3.1. I want to do everything everyone in my class does

3.2. I love working with my friends in class but they are in different groups

3.3. I like playing sport but sometimes it is hard to orientate myself

4. I can achieve anything!

4.1. I don't want an aide to help me in class

4.2. I can do it on my own

4.3. I can be a superstar at sport!

4.3.1. Small changes to the game would help

4.4. I can do things independently

4.4.1. And with help from my friends

5. Discrimination

5.1. People sometimes tease me

5.2. Not chosen in competitive sport

5.3. People leave me out of playtime

6. Negative perception of people with low vision

6.1. Pity

6.2. Charity case

6.3. Not capable

6.4. Teacher treats me differently

6.4.1. Takes it easy on me

6.4.2. I'm not stupid

6.5. I'm not fragile!

7. Resources

7.1. I can't get the books I want

7.2. CCTV/readers take too long

7.3. Extra help needed with DVDs

7.3.1. an audio description would be good

7.4. I always have to wait for class readers

8. Guidance

8.1. No one else understands

8.2. No other students in school with low vision

8.3. Need role models

8.3.1. Advice from others with same vision

8.4. Feelings of isolation

9. How can my teacher help?

9.1. Help eliminate peer prejudices

9.2. Encourage positive social interactions

9.3. Appropriate time allowances

9.4. Cater to different learning styles

9.5. Undergo training in assistive technologies

9.6. Have belief in my capabilities

9.7. Listen to my views