Journey Of Growth

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Journey Of Growth by Mind Map: Journey Of Growth

1. Bachelors Degree

1.1. Online univeristy

1.2. had 2 very young children

1.3. worked full-time and went to school

2. Masters Degree

2.1. online univeristy

2.2. first: educational based because I was a teacher

2.3. Second: career change, now a mental health professional

2.4. Great experiences

3. Work Experiences

3.1. started career as a teacher

3.2. currently mental health counselor: love job

3.3. started early years as a server/bartender for a more flexible schedule to be able to work and go to school

4. Current Relationship

4.1. Divorced

4.2. 2 wonderful teenaged daughers, that are the light of my life

5. PhD

5.1. Scary, but determined to do well

5.2. use my knowledge to open more doors in my future

5.2.1. further current job

5.2.2. open own practice

6. Training's/Professional development

6.1. dedicated lifelong learner

6.2. would like more training in marriage and couples counseling

7. Plans for Future

7.1. finish degree

7.2. See what God has in store for me

7.3. be flexible and willing

7.4. open my own practice? teach? advance career at current job?

8. Early life Experience

8.1. no confidence, support from family

8.2. loner, shy

8.3. change attitude and outlook in high-school, but did not take academics seriously