1. Lecture
1.1. Apprehensive about technology
1.1.1. Professor is 69 years old and is comfortable with the old school way of teaching. Even apprehensive about using other educators work.
1.2. Teaching the technology
1.2.1. Another factor we have to consider is the knowledge the professor knows about technology. This will then help determine how we should approach teaching him the new tool that will be used when he is away.
1.2.2. Should it be face to face OR face to face with the inclusion of tutorials.
1.3. What if something goes wrong?
1.3.1. Who will be there to support the students if the technology tool goes wrong. Will there be help? Is the professor available? Or should the students be provided with resources as well.
1.4. Meeting the needs of all students
1.4.1. Will this supplemental online assignment meet the learning needs of all students. Will the objective of this lesson be driven through the tool and sufficient enough for the students to master the topic.
1.5. Picking the tool
1.5.1. Picking the correct tool that will provide for online discussion and providing an assessment.
2. Discussions
2.1. Having the same participants in class
2.1.1. There is often dominate students who always participate in class BUT teachers can often rely on these students when their is a long wait time. This does not provide for an effective in class discussions.
2.2. Those students who are unprepared
2.2.1. What will happen to the students that do not partake in the online discussion? How will this affect in class?
2.3. Not staying consistent with responding on VoiceThread
2.3.1. If the teacher does not respond to the voicethread and actively check it- the online discussion will be viewed a task and there will no effective discussions.
2.4. Technology accessibility
2.4.1. What other options will be provided to students who do not have access to all this technology. Will there be a time for them to use computers or other smart devices at school to ensure EVERYONE can participate.
3. Mapping
3.1. Problem
3.1.1. Factors contributing to the problem Too much information on all the slides especially which can be overwhelming with students. This can cause boredom to the students learning the content and distract them from missing the important content. Teacher-centered and not scholar centered work. The teacher is only lecturing the material. Creating powerpoint slides where the students are focusing on the slide more than the teacher. Material only being taught to one type of learners. However, there many different types of learners in the class. Visual, Kinesthic and auditory learners. Too much information presented in the class Too much information presented in the class can be overwhelming for students.
3.1.2. Questions Raised to the problem Is there a lab that is associated with the class? To help approach all learners and the meet the mandated labs the state requires. How are students being assessed throughout the class? Is the homework effective? If the instructor knows that students are understanding the material, then why hasn't reteach been done? How effective are the discussions? Is there discussion protocols set in stone for the class?
4. Timeline
4.1. Content not mastered
4.1.1. Using the social media in the classroom , could possibly overshadow the content because the students may be so in working with the tool that the content flies over their head and is not mastered.
4.2. Parents Approval
4.2.1. Some parents may not approve of using social media in the classroom because they not provide their child with that resource. They are worried about more issues evolving such as cyberbullying. In addition, some parents may
4.3. Social Media in school
4.3.1. There can also be some setbacks with your administration on what type of social media is allowed in school. Some schools may not want students using their cellphones in school so they do not have to be liable for what happens on the internet.
4.4. Cyberbullying
4.4.1. If the school does allow for cell phones and certain social media to be used for educational purposes- students may still use it for recreational use during school hours which may cause more conflicts such as bullying, verbal aggressions, video tapping and etc.
4.5. Choosing a platform
4.5.1. Choosing a platform of how and why you want to use social media in your classroom What platform(s) will help you access your target audience? If your primary target is to connect with parents, find out what social media platform they are on. Choosing a platform parents are using will more likely encourage them to interact with your classroom feed. What platform(s) are you most comfortable with in your own personal or professional life? Starting from a place of some experience is always helpful when doing something new in your classroom. What platform(s) will work best on the devices you have in class as well as your district’s policies? For example, posting to Instagram is limited to the mobile device app found on smartphones and tablets, but posting from Twitter is possible from both mobile devices and laptops. Some districts may block certain sites. Understand your technology parameters before choosing the tools.
4.6. Student Demographics
4.6.1. Depending on the environment you teach in- this can affect on what type of social media you can use in the classroom. The teacher needs to factor in do all his/her students have a smartphone or computer access at home. And if not, will the teacher make time available for students to use class computers
4.7. Rubric
4.7.1. Depending on what social media is being used for in the classroom- how will the students be graded each time? Will the class come up together with consensus or only the teacher?
5. Presentation
5.1. Powerpoint slides are read to word to word
5.1.1. Powerpoint slides are read word for word and there is no human interaction with the students and no examples to provide them with a rationale.
5.2. Powerpoint slides are dense
5.2.1. The PowerPoint slides have too much information loaded on one slide. It is very overwhelming and the vocabulary becomes too much of an overload.
5.3. No hands on materials connected to the powerpoint slides
5.3.1. No real world application for the students to put in work of what they just learned.