Forma comparativa y superlativa.

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Forma comparativa y superlativa. by Mind Map: Forma comparativa y superlativa.

1. Nombre (sujeto) + verbo + adjetivo en grado comparativo + than + nombre (objeto).

2. Forma Comparativa.

3. EJEMPLOS 1. My house is larger than hers. 2. This box is smaller than the one I lost. 3. Your dog runs faster than Jim's dog. 4. The rock flew higher than the roof. 5. Jim and Jack are both my friends, but I like Jack better. ("than Jim" se sobreentiende)

4. Nombre (sujeto) + verbo + the + adjetivo en grado superlativo + nombre (objeto).

5. Forma Superlativa.

6. EJEMPLOS 1. My house is the largest one in our neighborhood. 2. This is the smallest box I've ever seen. 3. Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race. 4. We all threw our rocks at the same time. My rock flew the highest.

7. Presente Perfecto.

7.1. [SUJETO] + have/has + [PARTICIPIO DEL VERBO]

8. Ejemplos. 1. I have played 2. you have played 3. has played 4. we have played 5. you have played 6. they have played