Computer electrical engineering integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer ...

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Computer electrical engineering integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop computer hardware and software. by Mind Map: Computer electrical engineering integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop computer hardware and software.

1. What is the history of Electrical & computer engineering?

1.1. I will need to discover the history of Electrical & computer engineering.

1.1.1. Books, Websites, Scholar articles

1.2. I will need to list the important moments and people who were significant.

2. What is computer engineering vs computer science?

2.1. I would need the definition of computer engineering & computer science.

2.1.1. Books, Websites, Magazine Articles

2.2. I would need to need to discover the differences between the two.

3. What are the potential fields that may be of interest with this career path?

3.1. I will need to list the careers that are available with this degree

3.1.1. Websites, Magazine articles

3.2. I can list the avaliable careers according to location and avaliablity.

3.2.1. Electric Databases, Newpaper articles

4. What is the salary caps depending on education & experience in the career field?

4.1. I will need to reasearch the level of education needed for each career.

4.1.1. Websites, Magazine articles, Electric database

4.2. I will need to research the level of experience needed for each career.

4.3. I will need to research the salaries for each career after I have discovered their education & expierence requirements.