14 ammendment.

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14 ammendment. by Mind Map: 14 ammendment.

1. Equal Protection

1.1. This act was put in the constitution to enforce the 14 amendment stating that no person should be dileberated from the equal rights of any other person.

2. Fourteenth Ammendment

2.1. Segregation of . . . children in the public schools of a State solely on the basis of race . . . denies to [African American] children the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment—even though the physical facilities and other ‘tangible’ factors of white and [African American] schools may be equal. . . . The ‘separate but equal’ doctrine adopted in Plessy v. Ferguson . . . has no place in the field of public education

3. Court Cases

3.1. Brown v. Boards of education

3.1.1. Browns v. The boards of education was another example of enforcing the 14 amendment. Stating that no matter what the race everybody gets a fair chance in school.

3.2. Dred Scott

3.2.1. Dred Scott was an African American slave who's owner was a surgeon is the army. They often traveled to parts of the country where slavery was outlawed. He was a resident there for many years at a time while his owner was out in a war.

3.2.2. When his owner died duing the was in 1847, Scott sued for his freedom. His case went from many different lower courts before being tried in the Supreme Court; the land mark case was Dred Scott v. Stanford in 1857.

3.2.3. The supreme court ruled that Scott was a decendant from an african american so did not have the right to sue or be a citizen of the united states. Hè was not a person, scott was property.

3.3. Plessy v. Ferguson

3.3.1. Plessy was a man that decided one day to sit in a train car deemed for whites. They arrested him and his claim was that it's against the 14 amendment to do this. And the Supreme Court argued that is is not illegal and not a violation of the 14 amendment because they are equal in quality but they weren't.

4. Black Codes

4.1. Black codes was a very cruel and a sore loser way to prevent something from happening. The black codes put limits on freed African Americans such as not permitting them to marry which meant that they couldn't get a job or provide for themselves so just went back to their former owner. They also limited the right to have a jury.

5. Laws

5.1. Indian Education Act

5.1.1. The Indian education act was an act that gave Indian people the freedom of building there own schools and implying there own curriculum and Also letting them express their culture in a happy safe environment.

5.2. Americans with Disablity Act (1990)

5.2.1. The disability act was put there to basically give people with disability San equal chance in government related scenarios and also other sports and groups etc.

5.3. Civil Rights Act

5.3.1. The civil rights act outlawed racial discrimination in public places. Also banned discrimination against sex, natural origin, and religion.

5.4. Equal Pay

5.4.1. The qual pay act was an act that was established in 1963 stating that employers cannot pay a certain sex less than another sex. Especially targeting women. Equal pay for equal work.