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WordPress Plugins by Mind Map: WordPress Plugins

1. Antony Loomans

2. Author

3. Comment e-mail verification

4. Zemanta

5. Google XML Sitemaps

6. Robots Meta

7. All in One SEO Pack

8. WordPress SEO plugin

9. Subscribe To Comments

10. OpenID Comments for WordPress

11. Caching

11.1. W3 Total Cache

11.2. W3 Total Cache - WordPress Caching - Yoast

11.2.1. Why You want to Use W3 total cache

11.3. WP Super Cache

12. Analytics

12.1. Google Analytics for WordPress

12.2. Feedburner

13. Setup

13.1. Plugin Central

13.2. Dagon Design Sitemap Generator

14. Backups

14.1. VaultPress

14.2. WP-DBManager

15. Social

15.1. DiggDigg

15.1.1. new LinkedIn Share button

15.1.2. StumbleUpon

15.2. Facebook Like Button

15.3. Social Media Widget

15.4. Simple Facebook Connect

15.5. Mingle

16. Content

16.1. Photodropper

16.1.1. Download- Photodropper

16.2. Download- After the Deadline

16.3. GD Star Rating

16.4. WP-Polls

16.5. WP Greet Box

16.6. Post Ideas

16.7. NextGEN Gallery-

16.8. Extended Live Archives

16.9. Simple Tags

16.10. Digital Fingerprint

16.11. Viper’s Video QuickTags

16.12. WP Twitip ID

16.13. TinyMCE Advanced

16.14. Simple Feed Copyright

16.15. Democracy

17. Commenting

17.1. Why you need it

17.1.1. preventing anonymous comments in WordPress

17.2. Disqus Comment System

17.3. Akismet

17.4. CommentLuv

18. eCommerce

18.1. Download- WP e-Commerce


19.1. WordPress Download Monitor

20. Admin

20.1. cbnet Ping Optimizer

20.2. WP Security Scan

20.3. Broken Link Checker

20.4. Exclude Pages

20.5. All In One Webmaster

21. Navigation

21.1. pageMash

22. SEO

23. Syndication

23.1. MediaRSS

23.2. Feedblitz FeedSmart

23.3. Feedburner

24. Sources

24.1. Top WordPress Plugins Every Blog Should Have - Yoast

24.2. 2011 Best 15 WordPress Plugins for Social Media and SEO

24.3. 50 Best WordPress Plugins for Power Blogging

24.4. 12 Best WordPress Plugins for New Bloggers

24.5. 10 Greatest WordPress Plugins for 2011 - Collective Thoughts